Education & Inspiration

A substantial education for a promising and peaceful future.
Inspiration to awaken our children’s potential.

Vision and Mission


Our vision is a future in which all children have the same opportunities for education so that their dreams can be realized.


Our mission is to set up and maintain schools financially in the most remote regions of the world. Concurrently, with our Idol program, we will provide children with the inspiration they need to achieve their goals.


Our goal is to create a better future for children by creating state-approved schools and inspiring environments.

Our 3 Pillars

The inspiration for the pillars of the MyIdol Foundation came from numerous trips and expeditions taken by the founder. He embarked on these adventures with an open heart and mind, and accordingly discovered many positive role models while also becoming aware of the many challenges in accessing education for children.

Build Schools

MyIdol Foundation supports local organizations to build schools in hard-to-reach areas. We offer financial aid for establishing and maintaining state-approved schools, ensuring education access in underserved regions and achieving significant progress with minimal resources.

Enable Education

We enable education by creating long-term opportunities in various regions. Our founder witnessed the lack of schooling for girls in Nepal. Understanding its critical role, we partner with local organizations to make lasting improvements in educational access.

Create Inspiration

Our Idol program inspires children to follow their dreams. Kids often dream of becoming astronauts, doctors, or athletes but give up due to hardships. We help them stay focused, encouraging them to strive for their goals and reach their full potential.

Projects we Support

Karma Sherpa and The Small World

The Small World is a not-for-profit charitable organization providing education for children, especially young girls at risk from exploitation. Education and empowerment for local communities helps to break the cycle of poverty.

Human Foundation by Edith and Karlheinz Neumann

The Human Foundation’s goal is to provide innovative solutions to social problems. This includes a focus on education, equal opportunities, and strengthening communities so that the path for future generations can be paved.

Martin Schranz: Climbing Everest for Education

The Kilimanjaro Farm House is both a knowledge center and a meeting place for locals. Through acquired knowledge about agriculture, additional income streams can be generated and school educations can be financed for the children.

School and Dormitory for Young Women in Solukhumbu

Nepal is an unbelievably fascinating country with endless expanses that can provide you with a whole new sense of scale. Surrounded by the highest mountains on earth, a sense of awe will sweep over you…

Mingmar Sherpa and the Dimil School Project, Nepal

Mingmar Sherpa is a prime example of what education and determination can result in.

He uses his influence and financial success to help children across Nepal create a better future.

Who we are?

Board of Trustees

Our founder, Martin Schranz, organized our board of trustees. Among them are Silvio Sproll and Christian Oertli, who have been supporting his projects for many years and who have been at his side offering their many years of professional expertise. Each is a specialist in their field and together they work effectively and timely to implement the goals of the MyIdol Foundation. We are young and our goals are high. However, we also have the confidence that our honorable aims will find positive support from outside.

Silvio Sproll, Member of the Board

MyIdol Foundation member Christian Oertli

Christian Oertli, Member of the Board

MyIdol Foundation founder Martin Schranz

Martin Schranz, Founder of the MyIdol Foundation.


Empower Education for Every Child

Our success stories from students in our schools are role models for the next generation – they inspire the next generation with their paths to success.

We aim to leverage our resources and partnerships to help build our foundation. Our mission is to provide every child on the planet with a proper education and a fair chance in our competitive world. We strongly believe that every child deserves an opportunity to reach their full potential and develop a thriving future for themselves and their families.

Our Goal is Education

Every child deserves a fair chance in our competitive world. We believe education is
a building block for a happy and prosperous life. Everywhere in the world, education creates more equal opportunities, establishes empowerment, and stabilizes communities. Gainful employment, the ability to secure a higher income and the development of problem-solving skills will help guarantee our next generations’ future.

Empowering Education: Collaborating for a Brighter Future

To ensure that our support arrives successfully, we use the infrastructures of existing foundations and organizations that we trust and with whom we work closely. This way, we can provide our funds efficiently no matter where they are needed. At the same time, this approach shortens our learning curve.

We consider ourselves lucky to be able to work with such experienced and productive organizations and to benefit from their know-how so that we can tackle our own projects in the future. The MyIdol Foundation, founded in 2022, aims to help organizations and foundations around the world.

We acollaborate with major partners like A Small World, founded by Karma Sherpa, and supported by the Girls Opportunity Alliance of the Obama Foundation, and the Human Stiftung, founded by Edith and Karlheinz Neumann. We are constantly looking to expand our reach and form new partnerships.

Thank you, we appreciate your help!

Participate in our education of children mission and help us continue creating a better tomorrow !

Any Questions? Please Contact Us!

Founders Message

Every journey starts with the first step. Even if our goals seem large and far off, we persevere and take it one step at a time until we get there. With the same prevailing attitude, I focus on building my companies and climbing the highest mountains, and have successfully accomplished all my goals.


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